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It is obvious that we all need some order and discipline in our home. And we need it, because it is better for our children. They need structure to feel safe. But don't be a perfectionist, neither with order, nor with manners, nor with school or sports results.

Children don't have "order" in their brain yet, so don't you think it's exaggerated to demand that they act like soldiers in the military barracks? Winning the competition or getting the best grade in school is always the goal, but it can't always be achieved. In addition, it is very important for a happy life to learn to "lose" with dignity.

Additionally, the fact that your son or daughter get the best grades in school, does not guarantee that he or she will be happy as an adult. The opposite may happen, because with your persecution and extreme demands, your children will feel permanently pressured and will develop a deep anxiety, as they will learn that "love must be earned by being perfect." And this belief will have a negative impact on all of their future professional and personal relationships.

In this way, children do not learn to love themselves. It may be that they achieve great professional and economic success, but they will have a strong nervousness and discomfort inside for the rest of their lives. Due to their lack of self-esteem they will also have little capacity to create constructive relationships. Their happiness will be very limited.

Tips to stop being a perfectionist:

• Admit that you suffer from perfectionism.

• Admit mistakes (your own and those of others) – despite the discomfort – and notice how you relax when you learn to accept them.

• Remind yourself every day that you are worthy of love regardless of your achievements and results.

• Make a mental reprogramming, trying to consider your mistakes as sources of new knowledge. • Try not to repeat the same mistake.

• Develop friendship with yourself. Learn to recognize and praise yourself and others every day.

• If nothing works, seek professional help.

Do you realize that self-esteem is essential for a happy life?

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©2022 Jan Moller


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